AI for Automatic Content Generation
Currently human knowledge and the information produced by humans in the forms of text, audio, video, or multimedia content, are stored in vast repositories
of corporate data centers, digital libraries, search engines, and storages of individual computer servers. The only effective tool at the disposal of a
knowledge seeker professional for attaining knowledge or information is the service of search engines that provide a great many number of webpages and
documents related to a keyword and a subject matter.
However investigating such large number of webpages, forming a large body of knowledge, by human consumers, to gain the real knowledge from the collection of webpages,
are not an easy undertaking nor can it be thorough.
It would be deasiable to have knolwdgeble systems/machines that can help us human to investiagte such bodies of knowledge or data and provide us with the real,
necessary, and significant knowables.
The current automatic content generation method and systems are not able
to preserve the context and substance, nor can they represent the real significant essence of a body of knowledge.
Some really advanced generative systems, although truly impressive,
also suffer from lack of credibility and reliability of the content that they produce.
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